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Download: Bulletin (PDF)

This file includes the announcements and prayer requests

Download: Order of Service (PDF)

This file includes the liturgy, scripture readings and lyrics to hymns

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Worship Video (recorded at 11:00 service):

We unfortunately experienced a technical error that deleted a portion of the video.  Please use the material below and the Order of Service above to supplement your viewing.

Sermon Conclusion

Being in relationship is where we can truly acknowledge the wrong, that which has been done unto us, that which we have targeted at another and genuinely freely participate in confession and forgiveness.  When you know that the other person is ultimately invested in you, then the goal is not to punish, destroy or cancel, but to restore and resume the bonds of peace.  In that you can go to them and admit your wrongdoing and rejoice in the forgiveness that each of us receives in Christ’s body and blood.  In that you can freely offer what God himself has granted to you on account of his Son Jesus.

Pray for God to bring someone, even just one such person into your life. Someone who might be on the outside looking in, and start having the conversation about your afflictions. That conversation may be hard, but heart issues are hard issues. This is not the whole animal, but it’s a start. Settle in for the work ahead. And know that God “who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of our Lord, Jesus Christ”

Because Christ IS at the center of all this, whether you like it, recognize it or not, he is bringing all things together according to his purpose and to the glory of his name. He’s the one who seeks to bring you into relationship with him.  Where he shares in your affliction, suffering what you suffer, and even more he patiently endures our ignorance and willful rejections, and plain old foolishness.   Where he is so invested in you that he puts his own life to death in place of yours, so that you could be free from the wrath of sin’s curse.  And as he makes you aware of his great enduring, faithful love for you, when you continue to receive his word, even in much affliction 

Everyday that I listen to the radio or catch a bit of the news and this just feels so much bigger than we can handle or endure – and it is.  But not for God.  He is still greater.  And he will still be Lord; and Jesus will still be risen from the dead, come the next day, the next month, the next year.  We are people shaped by the cross of Jesus.  So go forth, fear no darkness, be in His peace.  Amen.

Prayer of the Church

Let us pray to the Lord on behalf of His Church and for all people as they have need. 

God our Father, You have invited us to raise our prayers to You in the name of Jesus, Your beloved Son, and have promised to hear and answer us with all that is best for us. Give us confidence, that we may call upon You as the people of Your name, and teach us to be content with what Your wisdom and love supply. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. 

God our Father, You have appointed on earth governments and institutions that are accountable to You. Bless our nation and those in authority over us, and teach us to be good and faithful citizens who willingly supply the resources needed to provide for the common good. Though we are quick to judge and condemn what we dislike, give us patience and wisdom, that we may encourage and support those who carry the heavy mantle of leadership. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. 

God our Father, You have set apart a people for Yourself and washed them in the blood of the Lamb to be Your own, to live under You in Your Kingdom forevermore. Give us faith, that we may daily be restored through repentance and forgiveness, and renew our hearts and spirits in the causes of holiness, righteousness and faithfulness all our days. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. 

God our Father, You daily and richly supply all things needful for this body and life, and You have provided for us everlasting life in Christ. Give us a clean heart and a new heart so that we may not be deceived or distracted by things temporal, but rejoice and remain focused on the eternal things won for us by our Savior’s death and resurrection. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. 

God our Father, You have loved and chosen us according to Your mercy and called us through the living voice of Your Word. Grant to us the healthful Spirit of Your grace, that what You have begun in us may be brought to completion when Christ appears in His glory on the Last Day. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. 

God our Father, You have given us not only bread for the body but the Word that endures forever. We come to our Lord’s table, at His invitation, to receive the gift of His flesh and blood in this Holy Sacrament. Give us grace, that what we have received with our lips we may keep in holy lives. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. 

God our Father, Your Son has borne the weight of our sins and carried the weakness of our flesh in His body on the cross. Be with the sick, the suffering, the grieving and the dying in their hour of need. [We especially remember before You those listed in the bulletin and those we name in our hearts.] We ask that everyone who calls on You may find comfort in Your presence, healing according to Your will and be sustained through their afflictions. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. 

We commend all things to Your mercy in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, trusting that You will hear us and answer us through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.