Here are some of the best internet-based resources for you to enrich your study and focus your prayer habits, especially as you gather around God's Word with those in your home.

The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison and other Synod pastors are leading devotions each weekday on the LCMS Facebook page. Join live at 9 a.m., or watch the archived devotions on YouTube.

Lutheran Hour Ministries - Provides a wide variety of FREE resources: videos, studies, courses, activities, for every possible age.  Be sure to subscribe to Daily Devotions!

KFUO  The Missouri Synod's very own radio station, live streaming 24/7. Visit website for programming schedule.

Issues, Etc.  "Talk Radio for the Thinking Christian" providing 10 hours of content every week.

Crucial Productions Podcasts and videos that "[teach] you Christianity so you can pass it on"

Concordia Publishing House has recently made many online resources available for free.  Worth a special mention is the section from our hymnal, Daily Prayer for Individuals and Families.  Many other quality Christian resources may be purchased from their online store.

Worship for the Home

February 9th, 2025 Fifth Sunday After Epiphany

February 2nd, 2025 Fourth Sunday After Epiphany

January 26th, 2025 Third Sunday After Epiphany

Other Online Worship Resources

Many of our sister congregations make portions of their congregational life available online.  We are providing them here so you can be part of the body of Christ beyond the domain of Faith, Highland:

St Mark's, West Bloomfield - Pastor Aaron Vergin

Christ, Milford - Pastor Andrew Johnson

Prayer Challenge

For as much time as you spend tracking the news or social media, spend an equal amount in scripture and prayer! Use a reading plan and the following as a starting point:

For the care of our souls:

Father in Heaven, You are the Lord of all things and the Ruler of this earth.  In this time of fear in our nation, let this awareness of our mortality turn many hearts to you.  Give us concern not only for the health of our bodies, but also the health of our souls.  Be our confidence, that empowered by Your peace, we may bring peace into the fear that surrounds us.

For healing of the sick:

Lord Jesus, in Your ministry, You healed all those who came to You with frail and diseased bodies.  Grant healing to all those who are turning to you in this time, that Your name be glorified, and Your power may be made known.  Have mercy on us and bring an end to this disease among us.

For provision for those whose employment is jeopardized:

Father, You know our needs and promise to provide.  Grant that all those whose ability to work has been disrupted would receive all that they need from Your hand and through the generosity of Your people.  Give us eyes to recognize the needs around us and hearts that are quick to respond in they ways that You call and equip us to do.

For our medical personnel:

Lord Jesus, it is a privilege for our medical personnel to share in Your healing ministry through their work.  Grant them strength, energy, good health, and encouragement, that they would be able to see Your hand at work as they care for those who are ill.  Give them wisdom and compassion in their efforts, and grant that their patients would respond with kindness, gentleness, patience and understanding during these trying times.

For those who lack care:

Father, we praise You for the gift of modern medicine and easy access to healthcare.  In those parts of the world where medical care is lacking, please grant Your protection and healing, and give Your people confidence, no matter where they live, to look to You as the gracious Father who has given us victory even over death itself.

For those who are experiencing isolation:

Lord Jesus, in Your death on the cross, You were alone and forsaken so that we would never be alone.  Remind those who are experiencing isolation or who are stranded far from home and loved ones that You are present with them, and give us an eagerness to reach out to those who are lonely so that they may see even more clearly how loved they are.

For those in positions of leadership:

Father, You have appointed the rulers of this earth.  Grant wisdom to those in positions of authority, that they may lead our nation to respond to crisis with courage and selflessness, placing the needs of others above our own.  Turn their eyes to the true Ruler of this world, that they would lead us to humble ourselves before the only One with the power to give and sustain life.

For those who do not know their Savior:

Lord Jesus, You loved the people of this world and gave Your life to give us life that never ends.  We are surrounded by people who do not know You as their Savior, and whose hope is built on their own efforts instead of Yours.  Lead Your people to embrace every opportunity to share our faith and Your love, so that many more people find their life and salvation in You.



