When coronavirus captured our attention earlier this year and motivated us to assume varying states of isolation, we abruptly did the best we could to make the proclamation of God's Word from Faith Lutheran Church available in video form online.  Your gratitude was known immensely.  After several months and now with in-person service resuming, the use of those videos has declined sharply.  So far I have been managing the bulk of the online effort but maintaining the current publishing schedule already poses some time challenges for interacting with members on Sunday morning, and especially as we consider resuming some variation of Bible Study, Confirmation Instruction, and Sunday School. 

We're seeking your input as to how we may best serve the congregation with the time, talent, and treasures God has put in our midst.   We would very much like to hear your feedback on the following:

  • Are you relying on these videos as your primary source of spiritual discipline and growth?
  • Would you be open to using these sources in different ways or at different times?  (Such as audio-only, or videos posted later in the week)
  • Do you have time, expertise or would otherwise be willing to receive training in order to help with publication?

Please let your elder know or email/call the church office directly and leave a message.

The ultimate goal is to help keep each other steadfast in God's Word.  Media technology is a part of that. A greater part is when we, as pastor and people, directly build one another up and encourage one another all the more as we see the day of the Lord approaching.  As much as you can, urge your family and your faith family to hold God's Word sacred and gladly hear and learn it.  I'm doing the same for you.  

Thank you for reading.  -Pastor Moyer

Use these links to participate in worship while at home.  

Download: Bulletin (PDF)

This file includes the announcements and prayer requests

Download: Order of Service (PDF)

This file includes the liturgy, scripture readings and lyrics to hymns

Having trouble opening links and losing your place?  
1. On mobile device: tap and hold | On computer: right-click
2. Select the option to open in new window or tab

Worship Video (recorded at 8:30 service):