Use these links to participate in worship while at home.  

Some ideas and suggestions for you:

  • Assign someone, ideally the head of the household, to read aloud the portions marked 'L' and have everyone else respond with the portions marked 'C' as you are able.
  • Consider taking turns reading aloud the appointed scripture readings
  • Have each participant download the service to their personal device or print copies if able

Though we are apart, we are a part of each other as the body of Christ.  God bless you as we worship together.  The peace of the Lord be with you.

P.S. Just for fun: If you're on facebook, Patricia Hartsell and the youth have put together a song challenge to cheer up your social media feed.  Visit the Faith in Action facebook group and request to join if you're not already following.

Download: Order of Service (PDF)

Lyrics for Hymn of the Day: Our Eyes Behold the Savior’s Face (Tune of Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed)

1 Our eyes behold the Savior’s face
And yet cannot perceive
That His perspective held our grace
Before we could believe.

2 Our focus flits and fails to see
The One whose steadfast gaze
Propelled Him to the darkened tree
Enveloped in death’s haze.

3 Our sights train on the dreadful cross.
Beneath His knowing eyes,
Our sins are bare and set for loss;
He sees us as His prize.

4 Our vision blurs with anxious tears
As Jesus’ eyelids fall
To conquer sin and all our fears
And tear in two our pall.

5 Our view scans for the coming Day
That evermore grows near,
When Jesus wipes our tears away
And all is crystal clear.
Text: © 2019 Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission: CPH Lent License no. 110002572

Music for Hymn of the Day:

Sermon Video:

Prayer of the Church:

Blessed Lord, You give sight to the blind, You open the ears of the deaf, and You make the lame to walk. Hear the prayers of Your people on behalf of all people as they have need.

In the darkness of sin and its death, we cry to You, O Lord. Open our ears by Your Word, our minds by Your Spirit, and our hearts by Your grace, that we may know and be thankful for all the blessings You have given to us in Christ, our Lord, especially the gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation. Strengthen us in faith, that we may serve You with all our body, mind, soul and strength. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bidden by Your Word, we pray to You, O Lord, on behalf of Your Church and all Your people scattered and isolated. Give to us good pastors and servants of Your Word who will serve us faithfully and boldly even in chaotic times. Keep them safe, comfort them and their families, and raise up many more servants for full-time church work. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Defended by Your grace, we ask You, O Lord, to provide us with good and faithful leaders who will preserve the precious gift of liberty and protect the lives of our citizens. Give them special wisdom, and help them to work in harmony in the midst of this pandemic. Bless the members of our armed forces, and protect them as they defend us. Grant Your blessing to all emergency and medical workers who continue to come to our aid in times of great need. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Enjoying the riches of Your grace, we ask You, O Lord, to give us generous hearts, that we may share what You have provided with those in need and work for the common good of all. Give us patience in our seclusion, and comfort the lonely. Grant relief to the unemployed, the underemployed, the homeless and all their families. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing Your healing will and gifts, we pray You, O Lord, to spare us from all calamity by pestilence, scarcity and fear. Remember the sick in their afflictions, calm those troubled in mind and keep steadfast the dying. [Hear us especially for __________.] Show us Your gracious will, O Lord, and sustain those who are afflicted in body or mind until that day when You will bestow upon us new bodies fit for the eternal life You have prepared for us in Christ. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Mindful of Your promise, we ask You, O Lord, to comfort those who grieve and to build up those who mourn with hope for the resurrection. Remembering the faithful who have died in Christ, we pray You to bring us at last to be with them in Your nearer presence, looking forward to that day when we shall join in the marriage supper of the Lamb in His Kingdom without end. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

All these things, O Lord, we pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, asking You to grant our prayers not for our sake but for the sake of Him alone. Teach our hearts to be content with Your will and to trust that You will answer us with what is best for us and at the right time for our need. So do we pray, giving testimony of our confidence in Your gracious favor in Christ by answering with one voice. Amen.